Falls Church, VA 22042
(703) 560-3483
Visited: April 9, 2010

I'm biased...let me get that off my chest right now. If you can't accept this, then scroll past my review or click on the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your window.
What do I mean by biased? Well I used to be a fan of Five Guys and their oh-so-bad-for-you-but-sessy-tasty-burgers. I didn't mind making the drive to Alexandria or to this Gallows Road location provided I had my burger with my choice of toppings and those oh-so-good Frenchie fries.
But...ever since my trip to Ray's Hellburger all that has changed. I can't really justify spending money on a burger who's meat quality is not top top top. I can't justify driving all the way to one of their locations just to get my burger fix, when I could easily hop over to Ray's and stuff my face with a great tasting high quality burger.
Before Ray's, I would've given Five Guys four stars...a big part of that "old" rating was due to the friendly staff of this location, the consistent nature of the burgers (they are tasty) and the fries...OMG the fries.
I equate my change to this:
Your entire life you've driven a little 4-cylinder car and only that car. Yeah you drove the sh*t outta that car and had fun with it, but then comes the day when you step inside a 6-cylinder high-performance sports car. You life changes, your outlook on cars is forever altered and you have a hard time thinking your once cool 4-banger is the shizzy. All you can think about is that 6-cylinder machine and all you want is that car...
Five Guys is that 4-banger and Ray's is my new 6-cylinder love...sorry guys, I'm all "grownz up" and I need me a big-boy burger...
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