McLean, VA 22102
(703) 288-5100
Visited: April 13, 2010

You know that motto "aim high" or "shoot for the stars"? What would you say if someone or a place had a motto of "aim for mediocrity" or "go for average". It may not be their official motto, but that's what it seems like whenever we come to the Daily Grill.
I'm never unhappy with my food, yet I'm never happy or "wowed" but what I just ate. A bit more clarification for my "C" rating of this place which as you'll see has been graded on a curve. The curve I speak of is the fact that the Daily Grill will bombard you with FREE coupons once you sign up for their eClub mailing list.
I hate to admit it but the only time I've ever stepped foot in the Daily Grill to eat is when they mail me a $15 voucher for my birthday courtesy of my eClub mailing list membership. If I had to pay full price for my mediocre meals, I probably wouldn't be too happy...but would still give them 3 stars.
Today's journey to the Daily Grill was courtesy of my boy Steve "Batman" L. He posted a note that the Daily Grill was offering a free burger to all patrons if you brought in a canned food item. Boo-ya free burgers! We headed over to the Daily Grill with our friend Kathy and her lovely little daughter, the boss lady and our two mini-cupcakes.
As soon as we arrived, the host didn't greet us with a hello but gave us an odd look and asked, "How many canned items do you have?"
"Ummm...5 items, but we only want 3 burgers"
"How many people?"
"3 adults and 3 kids".
"This way sir". He grabbed some menus, some crayons and activity paper for the kids ans showed us to a table next to the entrance. Five minutes later we were welcomed by the waitress and put in our order for our free burgers and some brews.
The kids were hungry and were starting to get a little rowdy, which made the unusually long wait for the food seem even longer. As we waited we saw other groups of people arriving at the restaurant carrying canned goods; the word had gotten out!! Almost 45 minutes later our food arrived and everything seemed a bit cool..not cold, but cool. The onion rings that came with our free burgers were scalding hot but crispy.
We dove into our burgers and the boys destroyed the fries that came with the baby burgers we had ordered for them. Our friend Kathy's cutie daughter dined happily on her burger waving hello to me and calling my name in between her tiny little burger bites.
When we finished our food, I had that C-average feeling...wasn't unhappy and wasn't content. Just "okay". I'm not sure what it is about the Daily Grill but they just don't have that it factor that separates them from all the other steak, burger, potato type American food joints.
Don't get me wrong the ambiance is nice, the place is clean and they do try very hard to aim toward the upscale crowd. Just seems a bit silly to pay $44 for 3 mediocre tasting burgers...which thankfully we didn't.
Paying the bill and tipping generously, we left the Daily Grill and told our Kathy that we'll come back the next time there's some free special or if we get another b-day coupon. Yeah, it may sound cheap but why am I going to pay full price for a place that's not worth the full price?
Based on the average rating and the ratings of other Yelpers, I guess the Daily Grill is doing a great job at being that average type of restaurant.
A+ on being a C student! Way to go!!
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