Washington, DC 20009
(202) 462-2640
Visited: May 15, 2010

I've been on this planet for a little over 35 years now and am not the smartest or wisest monkey around...but I've learned a few things.
- One of the things I've learned is that when you keep things simple and avoid complexity for the sake of being cool...its much better.
- The other thing I learned is never pee INTO the wind. NEVER! Very useful and will keep your shoes and trousers dry. ;-)
The whole idea of keeping it simple is evident if you ever get a chance to experience the Saloon. The place has the cool dark pub vibe that makes it a hippy free sanctuary perfect for grabbing your brew of choice. BTW, "hippy free" as in no one looked like hippies due to their causal "let me enjoy my brew" type of comfortable dress code. If you're looking for a hipster see or be seen Armani Prada Tyson 2 type fancy pants place...you're in the wrong place.
Walking off of the bustling U-street and heading into the stairs to the dark haven of the Saloon with my wife and friends I didn't know what to expect. The menus were strategically covered with stickers that had funny little remarks that made me chuckle. They almost read like fortune cookie fortunes for the sarcastic beer drinking crowd....probably written by Confucius after having 6 pints of strong tasty beer. :-)
As noted in other reviews, the Saloon lets you know up front what to expect via the rules of proper bar etiquette that are clearly posted. Despite this, there is no air of pretentiousness where the Saloon is trying hard to be a dive bar...its almost as if the place is trying to help us patrons rediscover the simple pleasures of just enjoying a drink and not trying not to be hipsters.
The Saloon served as a perfect beer friendly backdrop after the wife and two friends finished up a delicious dinner at Little Ethiopia. I liked sitting on the wooden bench in the dark corner with my friends and wife, chatting, laughing, drinking my beer in the tall Saloon pint glass, hands slightly sticking to the table and leaning back against the brick wall. Its that sticky table dimly lit pub that reminded me of some of my favorite UK pubs and some great times I had in the past with my friends....and here I was sitting with some new friends and my wife making new memories at a new-to-me pub here in DC.
As I finished up my pint of Franziskaner Weissbier and paid our tab...I knew I had to come back here. Polishing off the last few drops of my delicious beer I realized...nay....I knew that I missed coming to bars like the Saloon. Hopefully I'll be able to come back soon and sample many of the delicious on-tap brews listed in their witty menus.
Confucius would be agree and would comment, "Big Belgian beer, good company and pub make for enjoyable evening...but remember not to pee into wind after long night of drinking."
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