Falls Church, VA 22043
(703) 847-5336
Visited: June 11, 2010

Let me start off this review by telling you that I'm not a Ledo's fan. My dislike of the pizza and this joint comes from years of frequenting this location and the Ledo's brand and still leaving unsatisfied.
As a kid the parental units would bring us to this Ledo's or would pick up a square pizza on the way home. The same thing would happen, my stomach would bloat up and I'd end up feeling like a human Goodyear blimp for the rest of the day. Something about the cheese or sauce they use leaves my mouth super-dry, makes me drink a ton 'o water which then ends up making me retaining water like a mo-fo.
Once I was a big boy and could buy my own food and be all Mr Responsible, I never went back to Ledo's. There were so many other pizza joints I'd rather patronize where the quality of the pizza and the environment was so worth my time and money. So how did I end up at Ledo's after learning my lesson all those years ago?
Work. Yep, my office had a two hour lunchtime webinar where our supervisor decided to treat us to pizza. Awesome! Then it was revealed the pizza was ordered from this Ledo's location. Grumble... I went with a fellow coworker to pick up the pizza and was initially surprised how this location had "remodeled" their bar area into a sports themed set-up. Gone was the smokey bar with ball cap wearing patrons hoisting their beer with nicotine colored fingers...
The bar area now boasted almost 7 flat screen TVs perfectly positioned to watch your favorite sporting event. As we waited for the pizzas, we checked out the World Cup schedule and even considered coming to catch one or two of the 2pm games. Our pizza was ready and the manager told us we owed almost $55 for two large pizzas (one veggie lovers and one meat lovers) and a medium Hawaiian pizza. $55 seemed a bit too pricey for 3 Ledo's pizzas and I secretly wished we could have spent this money at 2 Amys...
Hurrying back to the office the car took on a thick and heavy pizza smell which made us all the more hungry. Although I was starving by the time our webinar started, memories of that water retaining bloatedness came into my head.
Should I eat this pizza?
Will the pizza make me swell up like a balloon?
Am I gonna have dry mouth after eating this pizza?
Will it give me bubble guts?
What is the square root of 455933? :-)
I ate the pizza, thought the flavor was okay but then the cheese seemed a bit heavy. I don't know how to explain it but it just didn't seem right. The crust was okay and maybe due to all of the veggie toppings and the fact that our pizza was in a box, the bottom of the crust ended up sticking to the thin sheet of wax paper...
The flavor didn't wow me and I was happy to give this pizza 3 stars. Then it happened...
As the meeting went that dry mouth feeling returned and I ended up drinking all of my water. Soon the bloated feeling returned and I felt as someone had filled my stomach with a ton of air. Ugh...my belt tightened and my pants felt uncomfortably tight...
Thoughts of going home and changing outta my work slacks and into my comfortable Umbro shorts danced in my mind. I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the webinar and just wanted to go home.
Damn you Ledo's and your dry-mouth bloat my fat belly recipe!! I guess I was hoping that after all those years of not eating your pizza I'd be surprised; surprised that a new recipe / ingredients would prevent me from swelling up again...
For that, you lose 1 star. Based on past experience and just an overall aversion to your pizza, I can't see myself ever going back to try anything from Ledo's again.
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