Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 522-3220
Visited: Too many times to count!!

Before I begin talking about Pollo Rico, I MUST share the nickname for this chicken joint that my friends and I have been using for years; Crack Chicken.
Yes, that's right...Crack Chicken. Why was such a name bestowed upon a popular purveyor of the powerful Peruvian poultry preparer? Because if you're like 90% of the population you'll be HOOKED after one taste. You'll'll think about your next chicken fix and will become an addict.
So who was the person that first introduced me to Crack Chicken? Well folks it was none other than my Mommy. Years ago when I was a wee laddy my mums brought home some chicken for the family to enjoy. Being the fat kid of the family I tore into that bird like a coyote that had been starved for 3 days (NOTE: We do not endorse the act of starving coyotes or any other canines in the name of humor).
As chicken grease splattered everywhere and my hands became covered in spices and juice I asked my Mom with mouth full of chicken, "Where did you get this?!?!"
Her response was "Wipe your mouth!" and then said, "Pollo Rico"
Since that fateful day the name was etched into my fragile little mind and came up often whenever my Mom would call from working asking, "What do you want for dinner?"
"Pollo Rico!"
"No, I meant what do you want me to cook!" would be her reply as she sighed and would ask me to take something outta the freezer to defrost.
Anyway, I digress....
Yes, the chicken is that good and anyone that has tasted it will tell you that they truly enjoy the combination of spices combined with the rotisserie cooking. Now as an adult I have the honor of working right across the street from Crack Chicken and can often smell the deliciously tempting chicken aromas and unique spices wafting from their ovens to my nose as I get into my car to go home.
For anyone that has never been to Crack Chicken, here are a few things to remember. Take them as friendly suggestions from a seasoned Crack Chicken addict:
1) If you're going there for lunch, get there BEFORE 12pm! Anytime after noon will have you waiting in a long line especially on warmer sunny days.
2) Bring cash! It's a cash only business and there is an ATM, but why pay 3 bux to withdraw 5 dollars for your lunch?
3) Quarter, half, white or dark. When ordering you'll be asked if you want a quarter chicken, half chicken or whole. The second question will be white or dark. Try to make up your mind before you get to the counter to avoid the wrath of addicts such as myself that are already gnawing on their hands. :-)
4) Mix your yellow sauce with the green sauce. The spiciness of the green will "kick it up a notch" for the flavor of the yellow sauce.
I myself am usually there at least once a week to get my chicken fix. The best part of sharing these lunch outing with my fellow addicts is that we all refer to Pollo Rico as "Crack Chicken"
All outing to Pollo Rico are always initiated by an email sent around 10:30am with the simple subject line, "Crack Chicken today?" In no time a flurry of replies flood cyberspace with "yes" and "what time?".
Sometimes being an addict is quite delicious. :-)

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