Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 351-1177
Visited: April 24, 2009

I can still smell the sweetness that is you. On my hands, in the air, on my face, all around me. Your taste fulfills all of my senses and my mind simply screams, "I want more!". Soon I lean back, tired, satisfied but saddened that our time together has suddenly ended. You're no where to be found...and I'm all alone.
I already miss the four of you. My deliciously tasty temptresses in the forms of a beef, tongue, goat and chicken tacos. My last taco has disappeared down my gullet and I indeed wanted more after they were all gone.
Had I been a smoker, I probably would've lit a cigarette after my first lunch at El Charrito Caminante. Yes, it was THAT awesome! After reading the reviews on Yelp a few months back I've been dying to try it out to get my taco fix. Today was the day and I managed to get some coworkers to join me for the walk to El Charrito.
As soon as we arrived, we saw a short line and quickly place our orders. As we waited we saw the various awards hanging on the wall with the Yelp award proudly displayed in the center of the sea of awards. As they cooked up our eats, I noticed on important fact for would be visitors of El Charrito Caminante; it's a cash only business so bring some green!
The good thing is that the prices are very cheap ($2 tacos and $4 burritos) and you won't need too much money to fill you belly. Once our food was ready we grabbed our eats and walked down the street to a pubic table. Ripping open the bags we all stuffed our faces briefly saying "umm, this is good" or "man this is delicious" in between bites. We were all obviously happy and I experienced sheer delight as I destroyed my four tacos.
For those of you that are fans of poo poo non-legit Mexican food (see Taco Bell), this is THE real deal. The burritos and tacos are made with real meat and you wont' find any of that nasty processed ground beef here. The selection of deliciously spiced meats at El Charrito are chicken, sausage, beef, pork and beef tongue for the more adventurous.
I was truly bummed when my four tacos were all gone and my stomach happily hummed with satisfaction as my eyes grew heavy with sleep. Sadly, I had to abandon work an hour early and headed home to spread the news of El Charrito...and to relax.
A few hours later after hyping up El Charrito, the wife and two monkeys headed back to Arlington. It was dinner time and my wife was skeptical at my enthusiasm for El Charrito but was looking forward to trying out the tasty burritos for herself. Ordering one chicken burrito supreme (chicken, beans, cheese, rice, guac and some tasty sauce) and one beef burrito supreme we dined in our luxury ride; the family mini van.
Oh yeah, the boss lady was indeed impressed and after a few bites of her chicken burrito supreme instantly became a fan of El Charrito. She ate half of her chicken burrito and switched with me finishing off my beef burrito supreme. Finishing off our respective burritos we sat there happily in our seats and both agreed we would be visiting El Charrito many more time in the days to come. We couldn't wait to share the word of El Charrito with friends and family.
As we headed home with stomach happy of a 2nd El Charrito meal...I thought about what my coworkers would say if they knew my fat ass came back to El Charrito for dinner. I think they would be jealous.

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