Falls Church, VA 22043
(703) 288-0566
Visited: December 5, 2009

Trader Joe's, oh how I love thee....
It seems that whenever I talk about cooking, recipes or discuss homemade food, my buddy Joe's name always seems to enter the conversation. If he was an actual person, one may think there is some sort of man-love affection for him that transcends the platonic level.
I won't lie. I love Joe and he treats me well. Amazing wine and some great beer for very cheap hard-to-believe prices, add 1 star. Great organic products at low prices, another star. A variety of cheeses (I LOVE CHEEEEEEEEESE!!) from all around the world at low low prices, add another star to the tally. Snacks, sweets, cookies, cakes and stuff that continues to add to my fat waistline that's too tasty to pass up...especially at such low prices - 2+ stars.
Yo Joe, I like to crow about your products to everyone I know...but I'm not the only one.
A check of the internet will "learn ya" that there are a bunch of other rabid Trader Joe's fans out there in Cyberworld. There are websites such as www.traderjoesfan.com or www.trackingtraderjoes.com where people review and share their opinions on Trader Joe products...and "stalk" products that have been discontinued. I'm not alone in this dedication that as mentioned earlier, goes beyond just love....
By the way, if you're ever in Trader Joe's, you must try out the Italian Black Truffle Cheese with some of their amazingly fresh Gruyère cheese bread. Combine this little snack with a bottle of tasty wine under 6 bux, and you'll be a happy camper.
Our two monkeys love whenever I hit Trader Joe's as they've now been classically conditioned to expect a balloon if they see the paper TJ grocery bags. As soon as I walk into the house they ask, "Balloon? Balloon?" Who knew that at 21 months kids could already associate a commercial logo to something else...like balloons.
Anyway...I am part of the "TJ" fan club and will vehemently cheer for all their products like a little teenage girl at an American Idol concert.... I love TJ like a fat boy loves cake....Trader Joe's cake.
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