Baltimore, MD 21205
(410) 483-2379
Visited: February 15, 2010

5 stars for a place that's not fancy shmancy and serves bbq'ed meat? Yes ya mo-fos, 5 friggin' stars!! Never question the fat man!
**SLAP! **
** SLAP! **
That's learn ya! Okay, back to the important stoof:
I hadn't been to Chaps in yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeears. The last time I had been there was back in the post-college days. A few buddies and I were coming back from a NYC trip when a friend of a friend suggested we stop at Chaps for some sammiches.
From what I remember the pit beef sandwich was very tasty and I had fond memories of all us eating in the car making sure not to drip food, BBQ sauce and Tiger sauce all over ourselves.
Spring forward over 9 years later....
I'm back at Chaps and it looks a bit different from my last visit. I'm now in the family mini-van with the wife and two monkeys (who are passed out from the long trip to B-more), salivating at the thought of stuffing my face with some pit beef goodness.
I send the wife in first allowing her ample time to review the monkey while I keep an eye on our sleeping boys. To my surprise she comes back quickly with a smile on her face and tells me, "I'll take the Raven." as she gets back into the mini-van.
Before she could even close the door, I was out and on my way to Chaps to put in our orders. Deciding on the regular Pit beef sandwich for myself, I got in line and joked around with the two B-more donkeys in front of me about the strip club sharing a parking lot with Chaps.
The line move very quickly and soon I was up to the counter where a cheerful lady took my order, called me "sweetie" and then took my money. Very efficient! :-)
As I waited for my order, I filled up a few mini-containers with their amazing BBQ sauce, Tiger sauce and ground horseradish. Two minutes later I heard, "One raven, one pit beef, cheese fries and a diet Pepsi".
Oh yeah, Diet Pepsi...i'm watching my figure....
My fat ass ran up to the counter, grabbed the bag of Chaps goodness, added some onions to both sammiches and threw in my "to-go" sauces along with a handful of napkins (a must when eating at Chaps). I happily skipped to the mini-van, closed the door and enjoyed the sweet smell of meat.
Meat, MEAT MEAT!! As I handed my wife her Rave and enjoyed the sights and smells of our sandwiches, I could only help feel a small (very small) pang of sadness for Vegetarians...who in their infinite wisdom would willfully deprive themselves of this tasty dead flesh cooked over a primal fire to orgasmic goodness....
Without thinking I took a big bike of my pit beef sandwich and savored the flavor of the beef-tastic masterpiece. I looked over at my wife who was already taking her first bite... then silence. A silence so deafening but expressive in the sense that the wifey and I were on the same meat Nirvana. Yes my friends, this was worth the hour long drive.
By this time the boys were awake and asking for "num num". I tore off pieces of my beef sandwich and handed it to the first monkey. Before he was done he was already asking for more. My other boys enjoyed the beef but had already spotted the fries and asked for some potato goodness. Being such great parents were share our incredibly healthy meal with the boys while quickly stuffing our faces full of meat in between feeding them fries and meat.
The boys soon grew tired of the food leaving Mommy and Daddy to finish their meals. Again silence came over the van as we finished our sandwiches and savored the flavor of the BBQ and Tiger sauces...a MUST if you get any sandwich at Chaps.
As we finished our meals I made a mental promise to myself:
"Don't wait another 9+ years until coming back to Chaps"
Before I could ask her if she wanted to come back, the wife told me that we need to return soon and she didn't mind the drive 'cause the food was gooooood.
So if you live no where near Chaps, make the drive and try out their stuff. Don't do it because Anthony Bordain, Guy Fieri or that Man vs Food dood told ya it for the love of meat! The meat is great, the sauces will accentuate the flavor and if you wanna see some boobies you can go next door...not that I would do that of course. :-)

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