Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 812-9352
Visited: March 29, 2005

Why would you go to Mexicali Blues?
Well definitely NOT for the food.
Most dishes are greasy, under seasoned and just plain bad. If you're truly desperate for not-so-good Mexican food and just neeeeeeeeed to stop by Mexicali Blues, do it on a Tuesday for 1/2 priced burritos. That way you won't feel too bad about dropping your hard earned cash for truly forgettable Messy-can cuisine.
Now if you wanna listen to me the resident Fat Boy, take your taco munchin' ass down the road to El Charrito Caminante. Trust me, their food is a MILLION times better than Mexicali Blues...and cheaper too!
Despite my many visits with coworkers to Mexicali, the food never impressed me and always left me with that dreaded buyers remorse. Multiple visits and multiple disappointments in dishes as simple as refried beans...overly greasy and leaving me with a odoriferous case of bubble guts.
The only saving grace of Mexicali Blues is the outdoor seating where you can enjoy a beer (or two, or three..) while you people watch. A few of my old coworkers and I used to grab drinks here after work (was by my old 'gig), sit outside, people watch then go cruising on our motorcycles.
Thankfully I've outgrown that nonsense and have since turned in my motorcycle for a minivan, poo flinging monkeys and diaper duty.
Funny enough, after ending my visits to Mexicali my poop now smells like roses I no longer wake up with nightmares of a mariachi dressed Chevy Chase, Martin Short and Steve Martin singing off key songs in my beloved Spanish.
True story...

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